My name is Ondine Constable. I'm a teacher of Nia—a fusion of dance, martial arts, and healing arts. I love the way it makes me feel—energized, relaxed, and strong. It's a means for fitness and creative expression that I can enjoy throughout my life.
I love to share the experience and see my students' faces light up with the Joy of Movement! (Please see my Profile for info about Nia classes.)

In this blog I share personal experiences that enrich my life, including Nia, Transcendental Meditation (which I have practiced for 40 years), and my exploration of natural approaches to health. I offer ideas that I hope will bring you greater health and happiness. Your comments & questions are welcome.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nia is bliss in motion

This morning I woke up wondering if I was over the lingering spring cold that had me wilting these past few days. I had a class to teach. I wished I didn't. But it's a beautiful new studio, one for which we've been waiting for two years. The members are excited about coming, so I didn't want to disappoint them. Such responsibility!

I teach Nia, a fusion of dance arts, martial arts and healing arts. Nia came into my life just in time. I'd turned 40, and was feeling a change in my energy and muscle tone. I hadn't been very active for a long time, and I knew the statistics... move it or loose it. But life was dull enough without adding another chore to my list of to-do's... work all day then trudge along on a tread mill when I'd rather be eating ice cream with my hubby and cat.

Thankfully, Nia found me. It awoke the my creative spirit and sleeping dancer. My body was thrilled to move because it was blissful. It felt like a stream of water nourishing the roots of a tree. Over the next few years I became a Nia teacher and quit my sedentary desk job. Now I dance and write - searching, researching, and expressing things that add value to my life, and sharing it with others.

This morning I'd forgotten about that. As I was setting up and testing my mic, the music began, slow and steady. A deep drum softly beat, like a heart. A flow of energy stirred in my body. The spring began to flow. Oh yes, this is why I dance! Nia is like food for my bones and muscles, joy for my heart and soul.

My students began to arrive. I set the class focus on exploring range of motion - playing with variety to stimulate all parts of the body. We stepped in to the stream of music, the bliss began to flow, and smiles spread on all our faces. An hour later we stepped out, warm, glowing, and renewed.

Thank you Nia!

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